GAME ON! By Vik Sharma

The Transport for All coalition is a group of disability advocates with a keen interest in transport. The RTBU has been working with this group to help establish themselves and make their voice louder as we campaign for a better and accessible to all public transport system, and we’re off to a strong start!

2026 is set to be the first regional Commonwealth Games, held under a multi-city model with hubs in Geelong, Bendigo, Ballarat and Gippsland. But getting there for the entire community might become an issue.

I will be taking up this fight to secure the long-term future of all staff in public transport. These games are our opportunity not to be missed to bring the key changes our network needs – and always with people at its heart!

As public transport workers we all proudly want to see better journeys for everyone. Better journeys mean less disgruntled passengers, fewer headaches and a better working experience.

Recognising these factors, RTBU campaigning has put the government and operators on notice regarding the improvements that are long overdue. This includes much more than the infrastructure upgrades and require a strong focus on the ongoing staffing, training and funding shortages in key areas. An undeniable fact is that RTBU members will play a critical role in ensuring smooth multi-modal commute to different venues of the games. Without them, games cannot be successful.

We’re all aware of the issues we encounter every day – automated announcements saying the wrong thing, platform gaps, damaged surfaces, poorly accessible access between platforms or giant steps up into trams – and we know we need to tighten the screws and take this opportunity to demand more of the government.

Over the coming months I will be reaching out to members across the network to help build our demands of government as we continue our collaborations with the wider community. I firmly believe that by getting transport workers a seat at the table, working with the most vulnerable in our community we can achieve great things for our collective.

Working together we are stronger, and these games are our golden opportunity.


Vik Sharma

Branch Secretary

Read the full RTBU Express here.