The Infrastructure & Workshops Divisions have been far from idle in the last month, kicking off by sealing the deal on the previously reported John Holland agreement, which received a 100% yes vote for endorsement by RTBU Members.

Following on from that, we are commencing negotiations with Laing ORourke, Downer Pakenham and Tenax, and have completed negotiations with SCT (deserving of its own article) and several more enterprise agreements have been reached in-principal and are soon to head to a vote.  These are as follow:

TPA Agreement
After protracted EA discussions the RTBU and TPA Enterprise agreement is now heading for a vote. The agreement if endorsed offers a 11% over 3 year pay rise, overtime cancellation penalties, paid training, Travel whilst Living away, double time all Sunday night and a raft of other benefits brings TPA into line with industry conditions. The RTBU has gone from strength to strength in the safe working space with Joe Dennis out on projects daily enforcing the proper use of Safeworking and holding cost cutting employers to account. The TPA agreement will be heading to a vote on the 19th and 20th of September on Gippsland line upgrade and Shepparton line upgrade respectively, details TBC.

A long time in the making, the RTBU has now reached an in-principal agreement with GTE. This landmark agreement signifies a huge tip in the Track Worker Labour Hire section of the industry. Members will receive a whopping 33-44% increase in wages over the life of the agreement to bring them in-line with the industry standard.

The proposed agreement will also bring in other industry staples such as all Sunday night double time, paid training, shift cancellation payments, Incolink income protection, double time on construction for shift work amongst others. GTE Members will receive a copy of the agreement shortly to review and voting dates will soon be announced.

Downer Newport BAU
The last two agreements the RTBU has negotiated with Downer (HCMT Newport & East Preston) disputes have resulted in protracted industrial action and unfortunately, Newport BAU was no different. 72 RTBU, ETU & AMWU Members at Newport workshops whose agreement expired in March were on the receiving end of a 2% wage offer initially, invoking a united response from the workers at the historic workshops.

The main focus of their log of claims was a fair wage increase with a better work/life balance, and despite downer subsequently increasing their offer, the company refused to budge on the claims relating to additional time off.
Members voted for and indefinite stoppage of all work to advance their claims. This cracking display of solidarity over a week and a half out on the grass, Members endorsed a deal that delivered them 10.5% over 3 years and an additional 2 bonus days off a year (for a total of 7).