Next year will be huge. With major enterprise agreements around the corner, we are making preparations to set industry standards in bargaining across Metro, V/Line and Yarra Trams.

I know that understanding your experiences and issues is key to how we continue getting results for Members, that’s why I organised the EA survey across the network.

We have now received over 1300 responses (still ticking) and are beginning to drill into the detailed findings based on your employer, classification, and work location.

While we undertake this deep dive on your valuable feedback, I wanted to share with you some preliminary findings that will form key battlegrounds across our industry.

Of the 1300 forms completed across all modes of transport and each corner of Victoria the dominant priority that has come through has been “job security, redundancy and redeployment” at 27% followed by “rate of pay/cost of living/rising inflation” at 23%. Varied issues such as rosters, penalties & entitlements combined with full time work made up the last major bock of primary priorities at 26%.

Other workplace priorities include items such as career progression, consultation requirements, flexible working arrangements and workplace bullying and harassment.

The survey will help us shape our bargaining strategy for next year. Although, Members have informed us of their priorities, a lot of work still needs to be done through Delegates and RTBU committees to formulate logs of claims for different work areas.

Later this year, we will launch a website for the major operations EAs which will allow Members to monitor the progress of bargaining, get the lates news and info, post suggestions/comments, ask questions and more.

Stay tuned for detailed survey results and more news on bargaining.

If you are yet to complete the EA survey, we will continue to monitor your feedback. You can complete it at the following link.

Vik Sharma

Branch Secretary