Health & Safety Reps
This page is a one-stop-shop for HSRs in the rail industry.
For help setting up elections, or support addressing a local safety issue, please contact your Organiser or send us an email:
Support the industry campaign for safer workplaces, remember to encourage all colleagues to send copies of all incident reports to so we can build our evidence base!
For training and refresher training, visit:
The RTBU is part of a big movement across every industry in Australia. Through our affiliation to the Victorian Trades Hall Council and the Australian Council of Trade Unions, the following resources are available:
- OHS Reps (VTHC/We Are Union): (includes ‘AskRenata’)
- OHS Help (ACTU/Web App): (interactive app for HSRs to get access to guides, resources, and relevant safety policies and legislation, also allows you to log issues in your workplace)
For help setting up elections, or support addressing a local safety issue, please contact your Organiser or send us an email: