EA BARGAINING DELIVERS RESULTS by Bryan Evans and Matt Purcell

96.5% vote YES!

It’s a great time to be a Member of the RTBU.

Metro Infrastructure Agreement

Members from Metro Trains Infrastructure have sent a loud and clear message, with an impressive 96.5% YES vote for the new Enterprise Agreement.

Members asked for change, and the RTBU made sure Metro delivered!

  • 17% & Increase to Allowance: 17% pay increase, back paid to 1 July 2023 as well as increases to the All-Purpose Allowance
  • Inclement Weather Penalties: Inclement weather penalties – first time secured in the MTM Infrastructure agreement
  • Overtime Access: Overtime offered to internals prior to using contractors
  • Much more & no conditions lost!

Thank you to each Member who took the time to cast your vote. Your voice has played a crucial role in securing this momentous outcome for our industry, both now and in the future.

This achievement marks a significant step forward in securing better pay and conditions for all RTBU Members.

Metro Rolling Stock Agreement

The progress doesn’t stop there – the Metro Rolling Stock agreement is also making strides, with the final draft of their agreement nearing completion.

With a focus on the No Forced Redundancies clause, ensuring job security for all has been the guiding principle of negotiations.

This draft will soon be presented to Rolling Stock Members for the access period.

Labour Hire Agreements

In other news from around the traps, the RTBU has been working hard to clean up third-party contractors across the network. We’re proud to report that the majority of these contractors have now signed EAs with the RTBU, benefiting all Members and preserving the industry standard.

While there are still several companies on our radar, they have been put on notice.

Our experience has been that most of these companies want to do the right thing for our Members and worked collaboratively with the RTBU throughout the enterprise agreement process.

The RTBU remains unwavering in our commitment to securing better pay and conditions for all members, because this is our industry, and unity is our strength.

We will continue to keep members in the loops with updates, if you have any questions don’t hesitate to reach out to your local Delegate or Organiser.