ARDEN STATION by Victor Moore

Recently, an RTBU Stations contingent visited and inspected the new Arden Metro Tunnel station.

Works have significantly progressed since our last visit, and screen doors have been installed along the length of the two new platforms. Each platform is close to 200 meters long.

The new station will pose challenges due to its size and multiple exit points, along with the traditional headaches of escalators and lifts, especially in cases of failure.

Testing has also commenced for the new Control Room, although ticket sales equipment has yet to be installed in the booking office, and barriers are still under wraps.

Regular monthly meetings have been set up between the RTBU, Metro Stations, and Tunnel project management to identify a number of crucial issues that new developments such as this always pose.

These include issues such as rostering, training, staffing levels, emergency management, evacuations, and opening and closing procedures, including the operation of the control room, platforms, and procedures around the new screen doors.

Staff movements are of critical importance, as any delays to the project will cause a number of issues, especially for those members expecting promotional opportunities, along with subsequent considerations for backfilling options available to staff.

Most of the initial conversations with Metro management revolved around the issue of training and how it is to be progressed.

Some of it will require specific training in additional skills, such as Control desk operations, for staff identified for the Metro Tunnel roles who haven’t had prior experience in these functions.

What is currently being exposed is the significant lack of training and training resources available on the job.

The new Metro EA, for the first time, makes reference to Metro providing training for roles, rather than the hand-picked arrangements that have happened in the past.

Career development should be available to all who want it, and the RTBU is determined to ensure that this occurs!