Luba Grigorovitch
Branch Secretary

As many Members are already aware, in 2019 we face our major bargaining round including Enterprise Agreements (EA) for the major operators V/Line, Metro Trains and Yarra Trams.

Some months ago, the RTBU sent out a survey to all members covered by the Metro Trains, V/Line and Yarra Trams agreements. The aim of these EA surveys being to find out what is important to YOU!

We received thousands of responses and it was great that members got involved! From these responses, I am confident that we can create a strong log of claims and be fully prepared for the upcoming EA round.

The data from the surveys is currently being collated and the top three priorities identified for Metro were:

  • Job security;
  • Leave entitlements; and
  • Flexible working arrangements.

Some of the reoccurring themes in the survey for Metro have been understaffing and rostering issues with some Metro staff having emailed the union office to identify overtime for part-timers as a problem with the current EA.

The top three priorities identified for V/Line were:

  • Job security;
  • Workplace safety / OHS; and
  • Leave entitlements. 

Anecdotally, staff at V/Line are telling us that they would like to see an entitlement for all retiring staff of a free travel pass after 20 years of service. Currently this is only available to staff who commenced employment before 29 August 1999.

Over and over members reiterated the need to retain conditions in the upcoming negotiations. A staple for the RTBU that we will fight for.

Following from this, Delegate meetings for all Rail Division Delegates for the five EAs up for negotiation have been arranged at the following times and days:

V/Line Rail Operations EA: Tuesday 4 December 2018 – 11am – 2pm

V/Line Infrastructure EA: Tuesday 11 December 2018 – 10am – 1pm

Metro Trains Rail Operations EA: Tuesday 27 November 2018 – 11am – 2pm

Metro Trains Infrastructure EA: Monday 10 December 2018 – 10am – 1pm

Metro Trains Rollingstock EA: Monday 10 December 2018 – 2pm  – 5pm

Delegates will receive a formal invitation to these meetings shortly. If you are a Delegate, please make sure you put this date in your diary as it is imperative that you are there to represent the members in your workplace.

Coming into the major EA bargaining round, we are prepared and ready for the fight to not only retain the conditions that were fought for and won before us, but also achieve a fair wage increase.

This round of EA negotiations is one that will set the industry standard for the future EAs to come which is why we must remain united and strong during the negotiating process.

I look forward to working with you all to achieve the best outcomes for members and set the industry standard for Rail in Victoria.

If you did not receive your survey, or you have something that you wish to add to the log of claims for your EA, please contact the Union Office on 8630 9100 or email us at rtbu@rtbuvic.com.au

Remember, this is YOUR EA – you need to be involved in this.