WHAT’S NOT IN METRO’S OFFER? by Darren Galea, Victor Moore, David Patton, and Bryan Evans

The RTBU has many significant claims for the new Metro Enterprise Agreement (EA) which focus on the following categories:

Job Security – Claims such as No Forced Redundancies and consultation provisions are carefully designed to deal with the threats to jobs by technological change. This includes the implementation of new ticketing systems, impacts of CBTC & new projects. Job security clauses involve empowering members and the union to deal with change on our terms and to protect jobs. These claims are of a non-financial nature and seek to maintain valuable railway careers and secure classification structures.

Safety and Equality – These claims deal with fair treatment of sick and injured workers, looking after members who have been assaulted, and fair treatment through equitable processes.

Wages and Conditions – These claims deal with more direct financial and work-life balance conditions such as the 36 hour week with no loss of pay. The RTBU Bargaining team continues to press Metro to achieve a fair days’ pay for a fair days’ work by incorporating a number of financial claims for members. We are focused on conditions that other RTBU members receive covered by other Metro EAs.


Metro’s offer does not provide job security to operations members.

Metro’s offer does nothing to improve conditions of part-timers.

Metro’s offer does nothing to ensure internal recruitment or protect Railway Careers.

Metro’s offer does nothing to improve work life balance.

This agreement is about ensuring RTBU members have safe secure work, a rewarding career, and are paid in recognition of their valuable work in a testing public transport environment.

The Protected Action Ballot means we are prepared as RTBU members to back up our demands with action.

The claims that matter most in this EA don’t cost Metro a dollar, yet they refuse and that’s what this campaign is all about.

On the 13 September, RTBU Members at metro will have the opportunity to send a clear message to Metro, by voting YES to protected industrial action.

Our message to Metro has stayed the same throughout, this is our network, our union and our agreement. We won’t settle until our concerns of job security, safety and equality, and wages and conditions are addressed!

Contact your Organiser if you have any further questions.