RTBU Women

The RTBU Women’s committee has been growing for over 14 years now. We are made up of more than 50 Women’s Advocates, whose aim is to create an environment where Women feel more included in the issues and decisions that impact them in the Public Transport industry.
Wins for Women
- The RTBU Women’s committee was formed in July 2010.
- On the 28th of September 2010, the RTBU held its first Women’s Conference with over 50 RTBU women in attendance.
- Since 2010, the RTBUWomen’s Committee have held a Women’s Conference every year during the week of International Women’s Day, bringing together women from all corners of the industry to network, build skills and plan campaigns.
- Monthly meetings of the women’s committee since its formation
- In January 2011 as part of a push for equality in the workplace RTBU women won the provision of maternity uniforms and this provided a significant boost to the confidence and determination of RTBU Women to press ahead with further demands in the workplace.
- The creation of the Women’s Advocate role, supporting women getting more involved in the union.
- In 2016, the RTBU won 20 days paid Domestic Family Violence leave clause in two of our major EAs, setting the industry standard.
- The RTBU Women’s Committee won the Zelda D’Aprano award in 2016, 2017 and 2018, which recognises women in the Union movement whose work is making a difference.
- The RTBU Women’s Committee won the John Cummins Union Award for the Advancement of Women’s rights in 2018 and 2019
- In 2020, the RTBU was the first in Victoria to get both Gendered Violence and Sexual Harassment clauses in all three of our major EAs.
- Over 80 women in elected positions, including over 50 Women’s Advocates elected network wide
- Creation of the elected positions of Women’s Officer and Deputy Women’s Officer
- Creation of the RTBU Women’s Convenor roles, broadening the representation for Women in the RTBU with 4 roles covering Rail Division, Tram Division and Locomotive division.
We want your help to continue and broaden the fight. To get involved or find out more, you can email women@rtbuvic.com.au