Bryan Evans
This week, V/Line Infrastructure Delegates from across the state met to formulate and endorse our 2019 EA bargaining round log of claims for the V/Line Infrastructure agreement.
Signals and communications (S&C) and track were both equally represented with representatives from day and night shifts. Also present were the old guards who have fought for RTBU members since the days of the PTC winning the battles that established the conditions we enjoy today.
We have also brought in some new blood to the table, bringing fresh ideas who will fight the battles and establish the conditions members will enjoy tomorrow and in the future.
The collaboration between grades, the warhorses and the new blood was truly remarkable, and I can say with certainty that the 2019 V/Line Infrastructure EA campaign will not be one focused on “retaining all our conditions” rather it will be one focused on fighting for new and better conditions. A new and better standard for V/Line Infrastructure members in a rapidly modernising railway.
I look forward to working with you all throughout the year and thrashing it out with the companies to negotiate the best possible EA for RTBU members. As always, please give me a call on 0457 006 739 if there are any issues or anything you would like to discuss.