Joe Dennis

We have recently been contacted by many members at V/Line regarding the upcoming Enterprise Agreement (EA) negotiations and when it will commence.

Being a Government-owned corporation, in order to commence bargaining for the V/Line EA, V/Line need approval from the Victorian Government to commence negotiations. The RTBU is well aware that in the 2015 EA bargaining round there was an 18-month delay on sign off of this EA which we are determined to avoid this time around.

Branch Secretary Luba Grigorovitch has written to Treasurer Tim Pallas MP in early January to fast track the process to ensure that bargaining can begin as soon as possible. We have not received a response from the Treasurer as yet, however, we will update members when we have any progress on this.

In the meantime, a Delegate meeting to develop the Log of Claims (LOC) occurred in late 2018 and a further meeting with Delegates to endorse the final LOC will occur in due course once we are closer to commencing bargaining.

If members have any questions regarding the EA, please feel free to contact me on 0403 863 869 or one of the other Organisers. The RTBU will continue to fight to improve and retain the current conditions.