The RTBU has always been committed to creating a safer workplace.

Over the years, the union has pushed successfully to secure more Authorised Officers on the network through agreements with the government and operators.

We have been able to support the growth of the Network Surveillance Security teams, and encourage Joint Task Force operations between the Authorised Officers, Multi-Modal Authorised Officers and the Victorian police.

The RTBU has successfully pushed for an increase in station staff, responding to the growing safety incidents within the Station Grades and pushed for specific training to address safety incidents, allowing Members to be better equipped to handle any challenges.

Continuing to work with the Department of Transport and WorkSafe to achieve safer conditions for our members, we will also campaign for more AOs, more station staff, better and more frequent training of members.

We want to see long term commitment to the WorkSafe “It’s Never Okay” campaign and ensuring risk assessments are occurring regularly with direct input from RTBU Delegates, HSRs, Members and Officials.

To keep the pressure on for this campaign, every member must report all incidents of abuse (big or small) that occur. Please forward copies of all reports to

Working closely with Trades Hall we continue to work on developing our HSRs, providing more skills/training sessions and direct involvement with our many safety initiatives with our online HSR meetings proving well attended. During these meetings have created a forum for sharing information and ideas, identifying areas where we need to further develop.

The RTBU has set the standard for companies to consult and involve Delegates and HSRs in any reviews or proposed changes to policy or procedures.

We will continue to maintain a strong stance on work safety fighting for better conditions. We know we can’t just rely on corporations, WorkSafe or the law alone to enforce safety on the job for us.

We must organise to guarantee our right to work and come home safe.