Darren Galea 

As you would be aware, the RTBU has recently lodged for Protected Industrial Action (PIA) for the Metro Trains Rail Operations Enterprise Agreement (EA).

Consequently, the RTBU has planned workplace meetings at all major stations across the network. These meetings have been occurring over the last week and will continue to take place over the coming weeks.

While the meetings are scheduled at Stations, we encourage any Metro Operations Member, (Signallers, AOs, DAOs, Train Controllers etc) to attend any of the listed meetings. Further meetings to cover all locations in Rail Operations will be scheduled at a later date.

Many Members have already received their ballot paper in the mail to vote for the PIA.

We have received a number of questions over the last few days regarding how you should vote for the proposed PIA, so for clarity:  

  • You will receive your official ballot papers in the mail from the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC).
  • You will receive information and a sample how to vote card from the RTBU Office. Vote YES to every single question on the ballot paper if you support the RTBU lodging for protected industrial action.

Anyone who has not yet received their ballot paper, it may mean that your address in the RTBU membership system was incorrect at the time of the ballots being sent out. You will therefore need to request that a new ballot paper be posted out to you. This must be done ASAP because ballots must be received by 10am on 29 July to be counted.

Any member who has not received their ballot needs to contact the Returning Officer at the AEC Ashleigh Finch on 9285 7108 or email (addressing to Ashleigh) to

Should you have any further queries don’t hesitate to contact one of the Organisers, or your Delegate.