To advance claims for the Metro Operations EA, the RTBU has notified the company of industrial action to take place between 10am and 2pm on Friday 6 October and Wednesday 11 October 2023 for all non-driving grades. Train driving grades are not included in this action at this stage.
This follows a rock-solid vote outcome that saw an overwhelming number of members voting in favour of a stoppage.
Management ought to be alarmed, and for the other companies across the industry who have been dragging their heels on negotiations, they should understand RTBU members mean business.
At time of writing, driving grade representatives have requested that train drivers be excluded from industrial action at this stage, however I continue to work with and support officials from all divisions to ensure we collaboratively achieve the best outcome for all members.
In the face of the tunnel opening, new ticketing system, automation and other major projects, now is our moment to push as a united front, for the security, conditions and wages members deserve in the current environment.
The emboldened platform gives the RTBU every reason to demand each claim is addressed. Where Metro tries to divide us, only unity will deliver the result of maximum value for members.
Thanks to the hard work of our army of members, activists and delegates working the network every day to ensure this outcome was possible. Now it’s time to raise the temperature while we put in the overtime to bargain day and night to get a resolution for members.
In related news, the Metro Infrastructure agreement has progressed to drafting, and Yarra Trams Rolling Stock and Infrastructure EAs have voted to take industrial action. With V/Line and Yarra Trams Operations EAs under negotiation, the months ahead are due to see the RTBU on a fighting footing across all agreements.
Working as a team with strong support from members across all networks, the RTBU will continue to fight for the best possible EA for all members. This is your union, these are your EAs.