Joe Dennis

Recently it was announced that the Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources (DEDJTR), Vic Roads and Public Transport Victoria would merge under one umbrella of the Department of Transport (DOT). The RTBU has been told that this merger will assist in the running of future projects in Melbourne by liaising with rail and roads to get passengers around faster and with less hassle.

DOT members have embraced the merger, however many Members are still confused as to what that might mean to them in the future. Several Members have contacted our office with questions relating to job security, however we have been assured that there will be no loss of jobs as a result of the merger. This was the first question raised by our Branch Secretary when we were consulted.

The RTBU will always fight to protect the rights of the Members. If any Members have any questions regarding this, please don’t hesitate to call me on 0403 863 869.