Delegate Training Booking (Advanced)

The RTBU provides all elected delegates with training and ongoing support. We do this knowing that by helping you grow, not only will you have better tools and skills to do your job and more easily represent your colleagues, but your workplace will also be stronger, more organised and better represented.

According to our records, the next Delegate training course you are required to complete is Advanced Delegate Training. The next course is scheduled to take place on 5 & 6 March 2025 at the RTBU Office at 2/365 Queen Street Melbourne.

Should you be unable to attend or be released from work, please contact us so we can organise alternative options.

The RTBU will always have your back and is here to ensure you can continue learning well beyond official training so always reach out to your Organiser where you need a helping hand or advice.

Reserve your spot!

Complete the form below to register for the upcoming training course running from 9am-5pm on 5 & 6 March 2025.

Once you click confirm, a confirmation will be sent to your email. Please forward to your manager/supervisor to ensure your release and attendance.Should you have any issues, contact your Organiser immediately to ensure you can attend.