Luba Grigorovitch
Branch Secretary

Bullying and harassment must never be tolerated under any circumstance.

It comes in many forms, shapes and sizes, and can have an unimaginable effect on the victim.

Workplace bullying and harassment is any form of harmful, threatening or negative behaviour by a person, or group of people in your workplace that creates a risk to your health and safety and general wellbeing. People often think that this doesn’t happen in ‘my workplace’, however more often than not it is occurring, and we are simply not aware of it.

Some of the types of workplace bullying and harassment include:

  • Repeated hurtful remarks or attacks, or making fun of your work or you as a person (including your family, sex, sexuality, gender identity, race or culture, education or economic background)
  • Sexual harassment, particularly stuff like unwelcome touching and sexually explicit comments and requests that make you uncomfortable
  • Excluding you or stopping you from working with people or taking part in activities that relates to your work
  • Playing mind games, ganging up on you, or other types of psychological harassment
  • Intimidation (making you feel less important and undervalued)
  • Giving you pointless tasks that have nothing to do with your job
  • Giving you impossible jobs that can’t be done in the given time or with the resources provided
  • Deliberately changing your work hours or schedule to make it difficult for you
  • Deliberately holding back information you need for getting your work done properly
  • Pushing, shoving, tripping, grabbing you in the workplace
  • Attacking or threatening with equipment, knives, guns, clubs or any other type of object that can be turned into a weapon
  • Initiation or hazing – where you are made to do humiliating or inappropriate things in order to be accepted as part of the team

Bullying and harassment doesn’t necessarily come from management, it could be your co-worker, or even someone that you classified as a friend.

It is not okay to be bullied or harassed in your workplace by ANYONE. If you are experiencing bullying or harassment in your workplace, document this behaviour and contact the union ASAP.

It is important to keep a diary or record of this behaviour and when it occurs. This will come in handy when it comes to making a complaint, or taking action.

Remember, you are the union and we are here to assist you. If you are unsure of something at work or feel something isn’t right – speak up! Call your Organiser or the Union office on 8630 9100.

** Some of the information in this article has been taken from the Australian Human Rights Commission Workplace Bullying: Violence, Harassment and Bullying Fact Sheet