Joe Maisano

As you are reading this article Metro is forcing fatigue rostering into the Signalling grade. Signallers have refused Metro’s draft proposed rosters and drafted their own proposed rosters which meet all compliance in terms of good faith bargaining, however Metro have refuted and are ramming in the 8/6 roster rotation.

This is extremely concerning given that the work group have formally declined the 8/6 rostering however the lead manager of the Signalling department seems to have his own agenda and continues to force this roster in against the wishes of the work group.

If Metro decide to insist on their proposal, the RTBU will take this matter further to ensure our members are not required to work these fatigued rosters.

Another ongoing dispute in the Signalling grade is the Train Service Officer roles. Metro are implementing yet another level of management named Signalling Duty Managers at an additional cost. Again, not in good faith bargaining. This is now in formal dispute and we are going through the formalities and will hold Metro to account to keep their promise which was made in a meeting with the General Manager of Operations.

V/Line management is utilising Conductors on available shifts to do customer service duties at Southern Cross Station and in regional areas. A number of meetings have occurred around this and V/Line have promised that a letter would be sent to the RTBU regarding the agreed outcomes from the meetings where Delegate and officials were present at each meeting. Currently I have not received the letter promised. I extended the deadline for this, however still have not received a letter so I am now left with no choice but to put in a formal dispute regarding this messed up process that V/Line have created.

As we say, game on!