V/Line Operations EA: Bargaining Update
Intensive Bargaining continues with V/Line for a replacement Operations enterprise agreement where positive steps of progress have been made at each meeting.
These meetings have taken place twice a week since our breakthrough that has opened the door to drawing sense from V/Line management.
This progress has come as a direct result of intensifying industrial action where RTBU members at V/Line caused management to engage in intensive negotiations which include a government representative and the provision of transparent information to better facilitate our ability to negotiate over facts.
While a deal is yet to be struck, we continue to keep the pressure on V/Line to ensure members get the working conditions they deserve.
Air Quality: Southern Cross Station
Members would be aware of ongoing concerns raised about air quality at Southern Cross Station. Recent data obtained by and reported on by ABC News opens a new layer to the campaign.
In response to recent developments, the RTBU has written to key stakeholders at the station including V/Line, Metro, Southern Cross Station Authority (Infra Nexus), and the Department of Transport and Planning demanding action be taken.
The RTBU has worked with the ABC in the process of uncovering the true depth and breadth of possible issues, but it is evident that more information, consultation and action is required to ensure the station is a safer place to work.
New medical advice indicates that the current workplace standards are insufficient and require modernisation. The RTBU believes that updated exposure standards are required to give legal effect to the medical advice, but in the interim employers must take all reasonable steps to provide improved air quality.
Our immediate demands are as follow:
- A letter to all employees working at Southern Cross Station regarding their exposure to diesel fumes and the associated health impacts
- Ongoing monitoring of all occupational health impacts for everyone working in the station precinct
- Immediate consultation over the air quality monitoring, including sample locations, types of testing, availability of data and transparency of process
- Comprehensive, accurate and readily available testing results
- A review of risk controls to minimise or remove exposure and improve air quality
- Training for all HSRs, Union Delegates and Supervisors in Southern Cross Stations regarding air quality, and
- Education campaign regarding exposure issues and controls, health impacts etc, across all operators.
A survey has been setup for members working in the station as we continue to push this campaign forward. Should you have any queries or ideas don’t hesitate to get in touch with your Organiser.